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Organizing Mission: Pantry Edition

7 Jun

After seeing this post over at Young House Love, I decided to take a good hard look at my own pantry. Yeah, it’s a mess. A mishmosh of cleaning supplies, food, kitty litter, reusable bags, cooking supplies, etc.  Take a gander at this hot mess over here.

Ha! I’m sure that gave you guys a decent laugh. It really does need some help. I’m going to put my budget at $50 (preferably under!) and see what I can whip up.  I’m thinking I need some baskets, some better clear bulk grain organizers (non plastic for sure), something to organize cans more efficiently, and a way to keep baggies, tin foil and parchment paper at bay. My goal is to have this done a week from today so June 14th.

Annnnd.. I’m off!

nothin’ beats basil

1 Jun

I mean it. Seriously. This is my favorite herb. Fragrant. Flavorful. Fast-growing. Three F words that I certainly don’t mind saying. I use my organic, homegrown basil in at least 75% of my recipes. If I don’t know what else to season something with? Basil! My go-to man. I love you, basil. Thanks for standing by me. You sure are lookin’ fine in that yellow pot of yours!